Awesome article and I love your conclusion about the point of life. It’s to be enjoyed, whatever that looks like for you. In talking about this topic, most people gloss over our planet’s current population problem, which is quickly approaching “unsustainable.” You might actually be doing the most altruistic thing possible by choosing not to have kids. Having children is one of the great pleasures of my life, and I feel incredibly lucky to get to experience parenthood, and yes my kids are a lot like the incredibly unruly ones you saw in the restaurant sometimes. But I believe basically replicating yourself is incredibly narcissistic by definition, and the life we live as a family of four is the definition of privilege. I am often troubled thinking about what kind of future they will have given our current climate crisis. It seems far-fetched to think they will be able to have the kind of life I do, or that I will ever be a Grandmother with all the predictions about what our planet will be like in 30 years. So bottom line, I do have children, and have felt “wrong” or guilty about that choice just like you feel guilty about yours. At the end of the day, I believe I’m a better person and the planet is a better place with us in it. That’s the leg I stand on. So whatever you choose, own it. Your Mom might be disappointed she doesn’t get to live her Grandma dreams, but she doesn’t have to live your life, or your children’s lives. You and they do.