Great piece! I’ve been following the RH saga on & off for years now. I couldn’t stand her book for reasons I’ve written about on Medium. But your article really drove something ELSE home to me. It was when you said “she has asked women to cut off the people in their lives who don’t support their work.” I was recently cut off by a longtime friend. I realized at the time she was a new business owner & she had issues with boundaries between work & friendships. But for the longest time, I blamed myself. I’d always supported her in ALL of her business exploits (trust me, there have been many) but refused to support gathering people in person during the height of the COVID pandemic. Now I realize it’s b/c she was probably following this type of advice from people like RH. I always thought that I could withdraw my support from the business, but of course we could still stay friends. I have had many business relationships and friendships over the years, and the truly good friendships always survive whatever happens in business. I now realize friendship is impossible when people are following toxic advice like this. It fosters a complete lack of boundaries between work & personal life, a blurring of what true "friendship" actually means. Thank you for helping me to further release this hurt!